
How will we use your contributions?

Who we are

The Ecuador Amazon Restoration Project was established in Canada to help the victims and their lawyers collect the court judgement payment that Chevron owes them. 

The directors of Ecuador Amazon Restoration Project: Rex Weyler, Manda Aufochs Gillespie and Robert Laurie in Canada. Office manager: Clio Forsyth Morrissette. Ecuador liaison: Maria Cecilia Herrera.

We have developed a very lean organization, keeping overhead to a minimum, working from our homes with minimum staff, so that your contributions go directly to the campaign to collect these funds for the restoration of the land, water, and communities in Ecuador. 

We have one single mission

To collect the money that Chevron owes its victims so that the people of Ecuador's Amazon Basin may use those funds to address their health crises and restore their lands, their water, and their ravaged communities. 

Our campaign activities

•   We support the legal team's work by bringing necessary witnesses and participants to legal hearings, bringing Ecuadorian delegations to important hearings and meetings, and sending international delegations to Ecuador.  

•   We support a Chevron Shareholders' Initiative that brings these issues to every Annual General Meeting of the company, filing shareholder motions and reports, and which has gained a significant and growing proportion of shareholder support.

•   We help the plaintiffs, affected people, and legal team with media liaison, media conferences, research, and by preparing news stories. 

•   We support the work of the Frente de Defensa de la Amazonía, representing the 30,000 affectados (affected ones) of Chevron's oil pollution (FDA).

•   We provide the legal team with liaison to other human rights, environmental, and indigenous organizations who can lend support. 

•   We assist the legal team in developing and implementing strategies for the collection of Chevron's debt in international jurisdictions. 

Working alongside existing forces

We wish to acknowledge the significant work of many other organizations helping achieve justice for Ecuador's affected communities: Frente de Defensa de la Amazonía (FDA), Amazon Watch, Global Witness, Greenpeace (InternationalUSA and Canada) Unión de Afectados y Afectadas por las Operaciones Petroleras de Texaco (UDAPT), Pachamama Alliance.

Please help bring justice by donating with PayPal or credit card.